So I took a break from drawing and making images, and instead tried my hand at some felting. I am HOOKED! Here's a little experiment at making a little felted Lili doll. I didn't have flesh tone wool (I have ordered some; they have yet to arrive), so I tried white first. Just the head so far.

So I've been working really hard on my final project, which is a new picturebook dummy. These were developed from the psychedelic cupids I worked on sometime ago. Here's a sneak peak:

I made a picturebook dummy about a circus boy last year, and I really loved working with soft pastels and so I thought I'll create a few more images based on the same story. These images were originally created for a competition. The first of these was posted here.

Right... I realise that I haven't been posting for some time. Been busy (of course). But here's something that I've done some time ago, based on the pig in two pigs and a croc. Will update in a separate post on why I'm posting this particular picture soon.